Be careful what you wish for ... doesn't that piece of advice seem contradictory to everything we've ever been taught? Millions of shooting stars have witnessed the upturned faces of yearning souls who are in turn watching the cosmic-fire streaking across the sky while … [Read more...]
The Green Beans Are Coming!
Green bean season is in full swing now until early October so most home gardeners are probably picking almost daily and most farmers markets will have them in abundance for the next few weeks. Green beans are very versatile – you can steam, boil, grill, pan sear, braise and … [Read more...]
Celebrate Sage!
“How can a man grow old who has sage in his garden?” “The young sow wild oats; the old grow sage.” “The desire of sage is to render man immortal.” “In the grand opera of cooking, sage represents an easily offended and capricious prima donna. It likes to have the stage … [Read more...]
Hippoglossus stenolepis is the official name for Halibut and once you have seen one, you will instantly know why the fish is given a name that invokes thoughts of the hippopotamus. The Pacific Halibut grows up to 500 pounds although most often they are harvested between 50 and … [Read more...]